Soft Story Retrofit


Soft Story Retrofit by ABI Construction Inc


A soft-story building is a building in which the first story of the building is only 70% as strong as the second story. The first story of this type of building is usually hollow and most commonly used as a parking garage. Soft-story buildings are much more susceptible to collapse during an earthquake, which is why a process, known as a soft-story retrofit, is used to strengthen the structural integrity of a soft-story building. ABI Construction Inc is highly skilled in providing soft story retrofit services so you're not faced with catastrophic damage in the event of an earthquake.


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(424) 403-1429


Why Retrofit Your Soft-Story Building?

Retrofitting your soft-story building will not only prevent you from all the hassles after an earthquake, and prevent tremendous damage, but recently, several counties have mandated soft-story buildings to be retrofitted. So it's now the law to have your soft-story building retrofitted. Have your soft-story building retrofitted with ABI Construction Inc. Having 13 years of experience, ABI Construction Inc has the skills and license to complete your retrofitting project to code.


Why call ABI Construction Inc for Earthquake Protection?

Retrofitting a building is a large, complex project, which not everyone is equipped to handle. However, our team at ABI Construction Inc is fully trained and equipped to handle this job. We have the proper licenses and will complete your soft story retrofit project to code. With ABI Construction Inc, you won't have to worry about when that next earthquake will hit and the damage that will be incurred since you'll already have your building retrofitted.

Call for Fast FREE Quote

(424) 403-1429

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